Bodie Ghost Town

Bodie Mining and Ghost Town — The gas pumps were connected to the Boone Store and Warehouse.  Harvey Boone was a direct descendent of Daniel Boone.  Also in the area were Herbert Hoover’s brother and Mark Twain.  This mining ghost town once had 10,000 people, and the town had 65 saloons.  As one might imagine, there were killings nearly every day.  Fire and the elements destroyed most of the town, but what is left is being preserved as much as possible.  The freight haulers must have done a very big business here.

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The old town had quite a few sleighs in it, there were a couple more near this one in an old shed.  The seating doesn’t look terribly comfortable, and I imagine quite cold to ride in.  As we were driving up the road to this ghost town, we passed a sign that said we were at 8,000 feet.  This remote area has enough visitors that they have a policeman stationed there, and some of the workers actually live in some of the old buildings.

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You could stick your head into some of the buildings. Many of them, one can only peer in the windows, to prevent theft.  This church still has its organ, but someone stole the Ten Commandments that were on the wall — Thou Shalt Not Steal included.

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This structure was used to lower men down into the mine, when they climbed into the little metal boxes.

Many of the buildings in Bodie still have things in them from days of old. You cannot go into the buildings, but you can try to get photos through the rather dirty windows. And many of the items in the buildings are very dusty and dilapidated.

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This Smith Premier typewriter was made by the company of four Smith brothers which eventually turned into Smith Corona typewriters.

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